
Snake River at Twin Falls, Idaho, October 13, 2001

Colorado River Valley in Rocky Mountain National Park, July 22, 2002

Click on a picture to enlarge it.
August 2000January 2001April 2001April 2002
Missouri Evening PrimroseCheckered LilyRed Bud

May 24,2002July 2002June 15, 2003September 20, 2008
Snow on AlliumAlberta FallsSulpher FlowerBison @ Little Mo Riv

December 25, 2008June 3, 2014October 8, 2015
Sunset, Naples, FLUnderwing MothMountain Mahogony

Click here for two of my early main pages. I bought my first digital camera in May 1999.

Visit to Utah's Canyonlands National Park, Oct. 12, 2000

Visit to Montana, Idaho, and Oregon, Oct. 6 to 14, 2001

Created August 29, 2004
Last Updated December 3, 2015