August 2021

Again, I took a long time before posting an update.  It seems I can just leave that sentence in my posts.  

We had a very wet spring.  So we had a lot of mushrooms early this year.  This is a scaly urchin mushroom that was growing on the old apple tree stump.  May 24, 2021

I was watering a plant in a pot and looked up from the pot and saw this green darner dragonfly.  It was kind enough to stay in one place while I went inside and got the camera and took several pictures.  July 2, 2021

Last night I saw two bats flying above the street in front of my house.   I decided to try and take pictures of them.  It was challenging, but here you can see one of them.  August 5, 2021

Created Aug. 30, 2000
Last updated: Aug. 6, 2021